Imagine yourself in a space filled with sound like water in an aquarium. And the sound moves! It transforms itself, changes size, shape and direction. Is the music dancing? Or do you hear the dance?
The dancers are wearing portable speakers which makes the sound mobile and gives it a body to move in space. You are surrounded by an orchestra of speakers and six dancers carrying the sound around and amongst the audience.
"Dead Awake is a radical, innovative performance which hasn't been seen alike in Denmark."
"- an awesome bombardement of the senses that deserves to make it worldwide."
"Surrender your self to WE GOs electroacoustic dream world and you wont know what hit you!"
"an experience out of the ordinary"
"music and movement in a whole new alliance"
Composer Niels Bjerg and choreographer Kirstine Kyhl Andersen formed the ensemble WE GO in 2004. Dead Awake is the culmination of research during the past four years where various possibilities of moving the sound have been investigated together with dancers, musicians and technicians. The music is composed in close collaboration between the composer and the choreographer and the movements of the sound acts as a musical element equal to notes and rhythms.
The performance was created in a barn at the organic farm Troldholm, situated in the West of Jutland, and was created specifically to fit the building of Pakhus 11 in Copenhagen. The music is played through a so-called acousmonium which is a special sort of surround sound setting with more than 30 speakers calibrated to the acoustics of the space.

Composer: Niels Bjerg.
Choreographer: Kirstine Kyhl Andersen.
Dancers: Amia Miang, Kasper Daugaard Poulsen, Michael Richardt, Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen, Olivia Riviere and Søren Linding Urup. Costumes and constructions: Camilla Lind and Johan Kølkjær.
Light design: Sonja Lea.
Light-responsible on performancedates: Sune Bang
Dramaturgy: Inge Agnete Tarpgaard.
Special sound equipment: Peer Klausen and Baldur Kampmann.
Graphics: Solvej Nygaard Gregersen.
Photo/Video: Frida Nygaard Gregersen.
Production leader: Michael Bo Jacobsen Roepstorff.
Co-production: Dansehallerne.
DEAD AWAKE was presented during Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2018 and on selected dates a special act followed the performance:
6/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE
7/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE
10/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE | at 22 Jørgen Teller & The Empty stairs (feat. Jakob Riis)
11/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE | at 22 Bjørn Svin
12/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE
13/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE | at 22 Jacob Kirkegaard
14/7 at 20 DEAD AWAKE | at 22 Mike Sheridan
15/7 at 17 DEAD AWAKE
DEAD AWAKE is made possible with the support from:
Statens Kunstfond, Augustinus Fonden, Sydbank, Koda Dramatik, Audiocase, Minirig, Vestjyllands Højskole and the organic farm Troldholm.